A gorgeous summer day
On my previous visit I actually spent so much time working that I didn’t have much time to enjoy the site. So I went back there today to just mooch about and look at the wildlife – taking some photos and video.
The slopes at this time of year are simply gorgeous – carpeted with flowers like Clustered Bellflower, Thyme, Marjoram, Field Scabious, Rock Rose, Fairy Flax, Squinancy-wort, Bastard Toadflax, Knapweed, Hairbell, Wild Parsnip etc. Dingy Skippers seem to be having a good second brood this year too and the Dark Green Fritillaries are still flying 🙂
Dodder Diplolepis rosae gall Stevenia atramenaria (det:Ryan Mitchell) Variimorda villosa Gymnosoma rotundatum